Vaiṣṇava Carana dāsa was a Vaishnava guru. A Vaidya by caste, his real name was Gokulananda Sen. His Sripata was located at Tena Vaidyapura about six miles from the Jhamatpura subdivision of Katwa. He compiled the Padakalpataru in 1718-1723 AD. He also wrote the preface for the Mahā-vandanā.
He was the disciple of Radhamohana Thakura, a descendant of Srinivasa Acarya. His own disciples included Krishna das Babaji. He was an accomplished musician and popularized the tradition known as "Tenar chap" or "Dhap".
He was the friend of a Vaisnava poet named Uddhava dasa (Krsnakanta Majumdar). Vaisnava dasa was present at the debate held in Bengal in 1708 AD (1115) wherein the superiority of svakiya or parakiya was discussed.